yesterday, went to bandar. overnight at paci raman's place in beribi. the main reason we, as in, the belait-ians, headed off to bandar - cos leejah kan belanja makan and celebrate birthday effah as well. here are some of the pics that i've taken yesterday.
before makan makan, melawat babu naneh at ripas.

sakit pose to damai pose. haha.
she's getting better, btw. alhamdulillah.

at night.

sushi-ing at excapade kiulap.

birthday girl. (pink)

the businessmen and businesswoman. :)
then balik ke beribi, buat surprise untuk effah. wadeh's idea btw. hee. niceee.

happy 16th birthday sharifah juwairiah!
may ALLAH bless you always. :')

anyway, to leejah ; thanks for the treat jah. mudahan ko murah rezeki. hee. and to all the muslims all over the world, i just wanna wish ;;
selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah 1430.
new year's resolutions anyone?
okay. i guess that's all for now.
good night everyone. sweetdreams.
may peace be upon you all.
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