Sunday, December 28, 2008

Brief Description of Yesterday's Activities.

- came to the office, suprisingly i got a new pc. hehe.
- balik kaja 12pm, 2pm k bndr trus mbil bb. atupun lmbt sbb ada urang ckp speedtrap laa.. roadblock laa.. nada pn. haha.
- jln2 den k spital jap ntar kuih.
- jln g k kiulap, balikn mummy a sweater, bt then rupanya tlmpau damit. hehe. krng cuba tukar yg lain lau dpt.
- pastu lepak sama bb rah The Arch; nice place. foods n drinks arent so bad coz i thought they were expensive. loads of choices too.
- n den tngah mlm, aku bli dvd Yes Man, p kabur. siuk plng critanya.
- n tau2, daddy balikn new lappy. (cheers dad)
its mini+cool but its hard to type wit the small keyboard.

m gona mis u bb. ko pkai camata cam ugly betty haha. x)