first things first, i would like to wish a very happy 21st birthday to myself. siuk sendiri. haha. and a very thank note particularly goes to my family, friends, my love's family and my better half for sending a lot of birthday greetings yesterday, either via text or in the chatbox. thanks bazillion much, kamu. appreciate so much. :')
ohh. yeah. sorry to those whom i did not reply their messages, banyak berabis text messages dari kamu, and credit ku kan paraiii sudah. haha. hence, sorry loadsss, yea?
and now, pictures time! yup, celebrating with my love, definitely a must. harhar. :')
balik keraja tarus ke excapade. mamam!
mua inda ikhlas begambar syg ah. haha.

thanks for the treat, surprise roses, giftsss from you and mama, and an advance birthday gift jua a week before atu. seriously, i couldn't ask for more. thanks a lot syg. you've brightened up my day. indeed. :')
note : syg nee. cuba tah save save duit untuk kawin. hahaha. nada wah.
thanks to both of my sisters. :')
i must say, i've got an awesome birthday, this year. happiness! :')
bah sudah tah. mau sleeping beauty lagi. harhar.
okayy. may peace be upon you all. :)
next post please?
p.s. 13th, drg bapa balik. woohoo!
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