note : mcm siuk usulnya tag ane. so, i wanna do it! seeing that tane nada kana tag uleh sapa sapa *sian bunyinya haha* so, i've changed the questions a little bit. who cares anyway? hehs. :D
the rules are simple.
use google image to search the answers to the questions below. then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.
the age of my next birthday.

a place i'd like to travel.

favourite things. (those long sleeves.)

favourite foodsss.
the city i live / was born in.

ketara jua aku buring atu kan. mcm nada lain kan di buat. huhu. yet, no worries, prolly starting from next week, i'll be the busiest woman on earth. yohh labih. haha insyaallah. so krg pigi rumah paci matnor kali. kamu syenah pigi krg? tulung2 abg ami's wedding? :)
well i guess, that's all for now. take care y'all.
may peace be upon you all. adios.
next post please?
p.s. 2 years 4 months, baby. ily. :')
linaa~~ thanx for the comment.. hee.. how are u? eyhh.. add aku pat msn.. nada i nampak u online waaa.. =( sobsss.. anyways.. u lyt lah blog profile i k? mwahs lina!~
ur welcome babe. :)
alhamdulillah. makin sihat ada plg. hehe. bah nnt i add ur msn k.
miss you! *hugs* :)
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