venue : paci mat nor's place, lumut.
thursday, 4th december 2008.

pacar-ing session.

designer : syenah.

friday, 5th december 2008.

tausyeh. suara si zaki lawa. :)

berjarah session.

the groom and the bride.

i love this pic. hee.

jeedah tekiyut kiyut. :P

pose urg lama bnr si wadeh atu. haha.

wadeh curang! ada bini2 lain rupanya. haha.

so-called 'the beauties', which apparently, we're NOT!
kami tekiyut kiyut saja. haha.
guess who's birthday is it today?

a year older, a year wiser, right? hee.
may ALLAH bless you always. :)
ohh yeah. tomorrow? wukuf function at my place and the day after tomorrow? (monday) raya haji function at nene and leejah's place. note that no pictures will be taken, pasal confirm sibuk on both days. yet, we'll see. hehs. busy week, busy week for sure!
anyway, since raya haji inda lagi lama, i just wanna wish to all the muslims throughout the world ;;
mudahan all the haj pilgrims balik ke tanahair dgn selamat. AMIN.
bah abis dah.
may peace be upon you all.
next post please?
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