date : august 17, 2008 (sunday morning).
venue : cendera kenangan monument, kb.
so, went to sg belait yesterday. merely to watch the event and to support ajis's team. yeaah. ajis and his colleagues pun ikut the race. hee. to be frank, i'm not the suka-dtg-this-sort-of-event-and-tahan-bepanas-berabis person but i've to come pasal ajis memajal suruh dtg. haha. & i want to support his team la jua. huhu. anyway, let's just say that i've had a super duper awesome weekend, yes? indeed. hee. ;)

perang air && balloon too? it's really fun to watch though. :)

gilaa, panas berabis ni time ani! seriously.
tapi maintain begambar. haha. apakan.

support this team y'all. :)

ajis's team ;; lancang kuning (SCO/54)
got no.2 for paddle & wind powered raft category. yay!
congrats! :)

want more? just view the slide. hee.
last but not least,
spent some great quality time with my love. te amo mucho mi amor.

okayyy. that's all for now. happy monday kamu.
toodles. :)
next post please?
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