before husini's family went back home, we were lepak-ing at their garden. hoho. saja bah. aku pun inda tau napa dorang mau lepak sana. buang boring kali. pasal beparam di rumah saja. :)

Yesterday morning I went to see my result yoo..EEEEhe..morning at 11 just ada briefing pasal SWE ( Student Work Experience) attachment lah tu..after that baru th result keluar..after academic board meeting abis about 12..
EEE..takut aa..makan pagi pun inda the afternoon i didn't wait for our result kna post di admin. I went to jalan-jalan..biar akhir ja liat..
At 5 baru ke itb semula and found out that I got Merit fr my CO and the rest Pass. I have to resit. Too bad subjects aku need to resit tu..BIS-1 and B.Law..If BL boleh lagi aku work hard..The problem is my BIS-1 neh..pasal computer2 neh ah..ngaleh rasanya liat monitor ne..sakit my Access or Excel still not sure..Access always the hardest..So tomorrow back to school and bincang2 wif my lecturers apa yang kami kan sit exam.
Anyone PASS their exam, they start their SWE on the 28-07-08 til 27-12-08.
After Resit result, yang pass start on 10-08-08 til 14-01-09..
SWE I want!!!!
Mari tah belajar.
Home Hostel Home.
Here I come.
Boreng neh Hostel. Sunyi ja..tinggal aku ja ne.
So last night, kami2 hostelitez. boys and gals went to Jerudong Park. We had fun. Release tension, pressure, cry..mengeratkan hubungan silaturrahim jua tarus..hehe..siok sampai pukul 1.30am..siok berabis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(stress jua ku tu)
and sleep.
Makanan yg simple dan delicious. hehe..
5 biji ubi kentang.
2 sudu besar jintan manis (ditumbuk)
2 ulas bawang besar (dimayang)
Sedikit serbuk kunyit.
Garam secukup rasa.
Daun sup dan daun bawang.
Potong ubi kentang. Tumis bawang, setelah layu masukkan jintan yang telah ditumbuk. Setelah harum, masukkan air (untuk mengempukkan ubi tadi ). Kemudian masukkan serbuk kunyit dan ubi kentang. Setelah empuk dan separuh kering masukkan garam dan daun sup serta bawang. Biarkan hingga kering dan bolehlah di angkat.
Cadangan Hidangan:
Sesuai dimakan bersama dengan nasi, roti dan di makan begitu sahaja.
5 potato, peeled an cut to 6-8 pieces each
Blended coarsely (A)
5 shallots
3 cloves garlic
4 gm ginger
5 stalks dried chili
1 egg
½ tsp sugar
1 tsp cumin grounded
1 ½ tsp fennel grounded
Salt to taste
1. Fry the potato and remove from the pan.
2. Leave some oil in the pan to fry the (A) and (B) till aromatic.
3. Add the potato and salt. Stir well.
4. Add the egg and scrambled.
5. Finally add in the curry leaves to add the Mami flavor.
p.s: i prefer the english version sebab in the malay version; part 'adding water' atu actually buat tawar sja. haha..
btw, u could also add some cinnamon powder/serbuk kayu manis and black pepper.
On the way to Tudung Saji nak breakfast dgn Bu ham (her treat! =b), there's a car accident nearby Kedai Runcit al-Hikmah(kot??) or near to Timbang's house. keke..
"kriiing' hape ku bebunyi.. 'hmm.. nombor bndar ni..' tnpa membuang masa merata2, ku angkat lah tpon 2..
'Helo, calling 4rom baiduri bnk ...bla bla bla... ble ble ble..', me: 'okeh, bubye'
Dipendekkan cerita, ku kna pggl 4 2nd interview. i was lyk..hmm..owh bah pigi sja lah..
so kemudian harinya, erti kta lain hri ani la, kul8am atu, zoom~ ke bndar dgn klajuan mencecah tahap maxima.. lau swift ku 2 besayap bah terabang x udah..
Den smpai exactly kul9.. den merenung dinding smpai dkt sejam sal ada delay.. den kul11 bru tah giliran ku *chantekk..!* ..den? den den den~~
the point here is now i've split decision.. but dennn~ setelah difikir2, disiasat, diteliti, ditela'ah watsoeva.. i choose 2 stay ja in sks..
anyone disagree?? b4 comment pay $200 dlu..muahaha~ chantekk..!
nx post pls! ..Bubye..!
Word for today:
"Know what you want in life and set your priorities"
- *admire my mentor*
kemarin kami sekeluarga stay d apartment smpai ptg, kcuali uncle rahman sbb he had to go to work. mcm biasa me n my mom masak sbb kn mngabiskn stock d sini. especially indomee. hehee. aku kn masak buttermilk, tpi tetaruh fish sauce; 'bnyk', haha, bida trus rasanya. tpaksa lah buang. nasib jua sikit ja. huhuu
then we decided to go to Central Chid Lom, planning kn jln2 sja, bt in the end, ada jua barang yg dibali. haha.
then pkul 6pm, uncle rahman sms babah, mengatakan bahawa di MBK ada Muay Thai, Tarian Tradisi sama Marching Bands. So aku iski la kn ke sana, laju ku bjalan cam tikus munduk.
udah smpai ke sana, apalagi, concentrate la liat Muay Thai. haha. siok dpt liat live, walaupun nada urang K.O.
pastu sangal bdiri, masuk MBK, mamam mamam mamam. bali beg ntuk luggage. pastu balik.
Gambar2 yg di bawah akan menerangkan kejadian2 kemarin dengan lebih teliti:
Two of the best Chefs i know.
but some of the amazing foods na dpt kn cuba masak sbb ada alcohol. plus i heard that lau truh alcohol "menyamankan" mknan. so takut na nyaman + membazir tia krng. hehe.
Chef Micheal Smith.
tv show - Chef at Home/Chef at Large.
Chef Curtis Stone.
tv show - Take Home Chef/Surfing The Menu.
Hopefully this guy will be the next one to come to Brunei... I'll be waiting... For sure eh.. hehehe...
today, went to bandar cos babu ham mau lanja kami makan. yay! by the way, si lijah nada. pasal ia mencari rezeki. hoho.
ok. ngaleh ku kan cerita panjang panjang eh. so, i'll just let the pictures do the talking, yes? :)