sorry, kamu. overdue pictures. ;)
thursday, 26th june.the day.
before husini's family went back home, we were lepak-ing at their garden. hoho. saja bah. aku pun inda tau napa dorang mau lepak sana. buang boring kali. pasal beparam di rumah saja. :)

jaga rumah kunun. tapi jaga rumah jua lah. haha. apakan.

last but not least, us in vain! haha. i likeeee. :)
the night.

kap khun kap. (sp?) anyway, welcome home kamu.
yohh chipali. dari mana ko belajar pakai 2 specs atu pali? dari thai. hoho. :P

as usual, we were gathering, watching tv, & tidak lupa, ngumpat-ing. haha. nada bah.

dorang bali a variety of hats. seriously. above pics are just some of them.
model : syenah.
photo taken by : yours truly. heee. ;)
friday & saturday, 27th - 28th june.
due to boredom yang teramat sangat di tahap maksimum 'sudah'. my family & i excluded si rudy & indra's, went to miri. last minute plan. overnight at grand palace.
suppose kami ke wasai somewhere in miri, tapi due to time constraint & shopping saja punya pasal, inda tah jadi. nya pian, siuk wasai nya, since ia pernah ke sana. kami bah inda pernah meliat wasai. haha. apatah lagi wasai di brunei. mau jua merasa mandi air terajun. unfortunately, from iski to BORING! :(


at bapa & mama's.
nampak jua buring atu kan? & si shimah lagi tah! haha.

guess which one is mine? haha. Duhh! with a capital 'D'.



not exactly the same la ngan yg samples atu, i mean the colours. heee. tapi panjang nya, ohh YES! cematu. suka ku eh. :)
okey dokey. i better stop now. panjang yoo post ku. boring krg kamu baca. hoho.
good night everyone!
toodles. ;)
next post please?
lina, relax eh babah mu ah...
haha. inda lagi. p mulut tatap bising. :P
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