Sibuk-sibuk Makan
First of all,
Favourite stop @ Hj Bosnia's food stall.
Marinated 1/2 chicken @ $5 or 3/4 chicken @ $4
plus BBQ/ mushroom / bla.bla.bla. sauce.
free plain rice/ chicken rice/ garlic/ cornbeef.
if bali the hati / sausage / chicken wings / bla.bla.bla..u'll get free drink(s).
Also, marinated daging kambing slurrpppp~ @ $6, $8, $12 (not sure)

goes to lemon cheese donut. I love it!
&& aku sudah punn makan.
I bought 6 pieces for $7.

I would buy this for saja2.
&& try yg diff. flavours as well.
Would bake one kipir.
kalau pandai n ada masa try.
A YES please..

Aku mau buat sendiri.
awu. easy.

note: karang me sungkai @ beribi. bh u laju tah ke bandar! bila lagi tidur bandar u ne eh?
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