yesterday, went to the airport to send off our uncle, 6wan2. paris is the destination, to further his studies (master) or attend a work course there? haha. literally, i'm still confused. anyhow, we wish you a best of luck and have a great life there! && take a very good care of yourself, paci! :')

& yup. kami sungkai (menyabal) di airport before headed off to 6wan2's crib for our proper sungkai. huhu. & ohh. i've made these simple dishes. teehee. one of our menyabal meals. haha apakan. :)

yg ani bukan yg kan belayar ni. haha.

yg ani barutah. :P

bon voyage!

alright. that's all for now. happy sunday kamu.
may peace be upon you all. :)
next post please?
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