first of all, i would like to say : ui kamu, sorry, pasal minggu ane aku ganya buat post. huhu. guilty rasa ku. banar. mcm aku saja memajak. haha apakan. sekadar. tapi banar bah. besalah berabis rasaku. prolly pasal, kalau ada special event(s) / outing(s) + kalau aku rajin = ada picturesss. kalau ada picturesss, therefore, ada lina's post. har har har.
yesterday, went to the airport to send off our uncle, 6wan2. paris is the destination, to further his studies (master) or attend a work course there? haha. literally, i'm still confused. anyhow, we wish you a best of luck and have a great life there! && take a very good care of yourself, paci! :')
yup. time flies so fast! less than a week, we, the muslims, will celebrate hari raya! aku iski, to be frank. especially on the first, second, third day raya, and raya-ing with love and friends as well. & oh oh. on 17th jua perhaps? *winksss to you. :)
Selamat Berpuasa semua, Here I am going to have game before raya. I called it HREC tagged. What i am going to do here, is to let you guys download the Hari Raya E card then on that white side of the card you put your signiture, this mean that you have shown tagged.
step 1: click the photo to for larger view, right click and save to your computer.
step 2: by using graphical design software such as Photoshop, Paint, CoralDraw or any software that you find it easier to use, just make your greeting,comments, name and signature just like what I have done in the photo.
step 3: any clear font that is readable, font size must not be over 14 pt, font color not to light not to bright.
step 4: save the photo.
step 5: upload to your blog.
step 6: we all copy the update version and repeat step 1 - 5 and filled all the white area.
step 7: get it?
step 8: no?
step 9: watch and see.
Aku telah jatuh hati kepada seseorang. . . . .