i think this blog might be considered -- parai already!
and what's with that facebook badges? parai tah kali jua.
hello kamu. busy busy with our current lives? sampai this blog pun been neglected by us (except si hemi with his cars. haha!) well, i guess that'd be the answer. as for me, it is. LOADS nyamu. okay, inda jua la loads banar. ganya received a very thumb-down news saja last week atu. hmph.

they say, every dark cloud has a silver lining, yes? or i am simply one of those unlucky people in this globe. hmph. entah la. bukan rezeki ku kali. just move on with life, i guess. perhaps, i should continue with career saja kali? and perhaps, i should resign from my current job, then find a better one? hmph. we'll see. kesian bapa ku. :(
okay, aku rindu boyfriend ku. he's always there for me. at my worst pun. grateful to have him in my life. you're the best, baby! ♥ :')
sama, aku mau e75 wah. cuba tah ada warna pink! sheeshhh!
bah sudah tah.
may peace be upon you all.
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