lina samsudin will be updating this blog in nine or ten days time. insyaAllah. just bear with me. :)
on second thought, i should start blogging again like now! heh. so it is may already. time flies so fast, no? so, semester break starts from last saturday till end of july, particularly for computer information system (cis) department. i have no clue about the other departments. might be the same as well. so yeah. that means i have three months (or less) holiday baby! woo hoo. tapi nya, our result will be released on 20th may. eight days to go. oh god! wish me luck cousins and uncles!
on second thought, i should start blogging again like now! heh. so it is may already. time flies so fast, no? so, semester break starts from last saturday till end of july, particularly for computer information system (cis) department. i have no clue about the other departments. might be the same as well. so yeah. that means i have three months (or less) holiday baby! woo hoo. tapi nya, our result will be released on 20th may. eight days to go. oh god! wish me luck cousins and uncles!
moving on, so if we passed semester 2 (with flying colours. AMIN!) we will be given opportunities to choose a workplace for semester 3 : supervised work expirenced. sanang cakap for attachment. we will be starting to work in early august till 31st december. and as for me, i have decided to choose bsp or blng. i heard that shell wont pay us anything though. we rely on school allowance saja. so yeah besyukur daripada nada. plus bapa inda suruh pilih any workplaces in bandar, bisai lagi di belait saja nya. and sanang jumpa and/or lunch selalu sama ajis. haha.
choir during itb info day.

semester 1 & 2 coursemates. good times!

our last group assignment for sem 2.
hectic, see you in semester 4. AMIN.
wish me luck. :)
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