Sunday, May 10, 2009

may! may! may!

so, here's a simple and lil overdue shout out!

4th may 2009
happy 30th anniversary to my parents ;;
haji samsudin and hajah saripah hajijah.

may your marriage be blessed with love, joy and companionship for all the years of your lives. i love you two equally and dearly!
happy anni pa, ma. :')


7th may 2009
happy 54th birthday to mi mama! :)
 may god bless you always with health, wealth and prosperity in your life! AMIN.


&& today, 10th may 2009
happy mother's day to all mothers around the world!
especially to
them! my favourite women! excluding paci lehi. :P
excuse paci lehi's wet shirt. tekana hujan bah. haha.

so that's all i guess. oh yea. i really really can't wait till next week! :)

"cordially invited nurlina binti samsudin dan suami . . ." 

hahahaha. that cracks me up berabis. and yet, AMIN. AMIN. AMIN. heeee. i'll update about that next week, insyaallah. alright then. will hit the hay in a bit, ngantuk dah.
good night everyone!

may peace be upon you all.