wah lama dah ku inda blogging! is it a month or so sudah? or just a few weeks baru? huhu. nonetheless, i could feel that my blogging routine is much less now. makin malas dah ku. blame it on facebook. yup, i'm so addicted to it. pet society, to be exact. har har. plus almost kamu semua ada blog sendiri sudah, that's the reason why aku malas kan blogging sudah. nada blog spirit. hmph!
okayy, moving on. so, yesterday, we had three birthdays celebration sekaligus for the february babies : waie, aiman, and hemi at buham's place. here's the picturesss, enjoy! :)

si nina ane, mcm every month saja ia punya birthday. huhu.

webcam with mr paris. :P
aku lupa ambil gambar paci raman.
anyway, paci, ramai dorang ckp,
paci makin handsome and kurus. esehh!

erk, flashhh! pfft!

turn yg 'tuha tuha' lagi. haha.

HAHAHA. buang tebiat. be-shuffle. :P

happy 21st birthday zulhilmi bin husini! :)

hadiah 'membali last minute'. huhu.

do check his blog why his mum bought these things for him. :)

atu pipi. hee. :)
i guess that's all for now.
i'll blog some other time, insyaallah. kalau rajin.
and ohh, happy national day everyone! :)
may peace be upon you all.
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