Thursday, January 22, 2009

lina's random updates.

hello. pagi kamu.
here's my updates. :)

one. 26th and 27th aku cuti due to chinese new year. majority arah opis ku chinese kan, so the management gives us one more holiday. therefore, 25th + 26th + 27th = 3 days holiday! woohoo!

two. 2nd to 5th feb & 16th to 20th feb, training at abacus (rba) in bandar. to adeq, no worries, i know where to find free parking this time. hehe. thanks to my colleague di bandar jua.

three. i want to shop! more kains, blouses hunt for my daily work outfit. :)

four. suka ku facebook ane eh. i'm so addicted to it. *call me sakai. no worries.* mcm, dulu mengarasi inda mau join that social networking due to some reasons. at last, buat satu jua ku kan. hee. yet, i know inda betahan lama. harhar.

five. wisdom tooth ku kan tumbuh lagi. bangkak tarus gusi ku yang ujung atu. pasal gigi atu payah payah kan tumbuh. malas ku jumpa doctor. karang di cabut nya. takut ku. so biar kan tia ku menahan sakit.

six. i love the fact that i meet ajis almost everyday and yet, i still can't get enough of him. seriously. kawin tah kali eh. haha. nada bah. i love you baby♥. :')

bah kamu punya turn lagi, update! :)

may peace be upon you all.