To Mohd Husini and Saripah Rosnani; aka Mama & Babah.
:: picture taken in kk; masa kana pajal bgmbar panas-panas.
hahaha. ::
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy 24th Year Anniversary.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
as requested.
nah paci raman. sikit saja ia nyanyi tu.
sorry for the bad quality. hp tidak canggih. harhar.
may peace be upon you all.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
lina's random updates.
hello. pagi kamu.
here's my updates. :)
one. 26th and 27th aku cuti due to chinese new year. majority arah opis ku chinese kan, so the management gives us one more holiday. therefore, 25th + 26th + 27th = 3 days holiday! woohoo!
two. 2nd to 5th feb & 16th to 20th feb, training at abacus (rba) in bandar. to adeq, no worries, i know where to find free parking this time. hehe. thanks to my colleague di bandar jua.
three. i want to shop! more kains, blouses hunt for my daily work outfit. :)
four. suka ku facebook ane eh. i'm so addicted to it. *call me sakai. no worries.* mcm, dulu mengarasi inda mau join that social networking due to some reasons. at last, buat satu jua ku kan. hee. yet, i know inda betahan lama. harhar.
five. wisdom tooth ku kan tumbuh lagi. bangkak tarus gusi ku yang ujung atu. pasal gigi atu payah payah kan tumbuh. malas ku jumpa doctor. karang di cabut nya. takut ku. so biar kan tia ku menahan sakit.
six. i love the fact that i meet ajis♥ almost everyday and yet, i still can't get enough of him. seriously. kawin tah kali eh. haha. nada bah. i love you baby♥. :')
bah kamu punya turn lagi, update! :)
may peace be upon you all.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
my art mock exam....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
AKHIL HAYY @ ogdc seria.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
random thoughts of the day.
pagi kamu.
first. congrats to syenah for getting a new baby. majooo dah ne. :')
second. idola si pijah and wadeh, namely, ustaz akil hayy krg bagi ceramah untuk urang urang haji arah ogdc seria. pijah mau ikut tapi bapa cakap inda buleh. pijah pigi ke sana, iski tah tu yaaa. :)
third. aku kan diet sama ajis. tapi kami suka makan. kesian ajis, ia gamuk balik uleh ku. alum lagi kami kawin ni, sudah ku asak makanan ganya. :'(
bah atu saja.
may peace be upon on you all.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
11 Januari

Saturday, 10th Jan @ Istana Burul Iman

His Majesty presenting the credentials to Alias bin Serbini, Brunei's Ambassador to Japan
"Meanwhile, Alias bin Serbini, 48, was the Director of the Department of Economic Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, prior to his appointment as the Ambassador to Japan." -brunei-onlinePictures with details.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
family gathering.
watir ku hujan ganya beberapa minggu ane. ada tampat yg banjir bah sudah. the news informed yg hujan ane sampai bulan march, and air pasang sampai 15th january. so people yang tinggal di lumut/bandar and school/work in kb, vice versa, di nasihatkan pakai highway/bypass. *mcm tah urg inda tau haha.* tapi kalau inda sayang kereta, antam tia air masin di lorong 7 atu. thank you. :)

Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Birthday Shout Out
goes to...
15638 Kpl (U) Muhammad Shazwan bin Haji Othman [ic no. 00-288182] was born on 8.1.1982, 27 years ago, still available bujang.
dengan ucapan...
belanja makan *utk family* termasuk kek *utk si lina*, bouncer *utk si the fuglies* dan karaoke *utk si Bui and si Manith*. Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan sukses. Simpan tah duit. Jgn joli-joli.