last night, went to tudung saji kb to celebrate paci husini's birthday and dinner out as well. thanks for the treat paci. the cake's so scrumptious. hee. and at last, i ate cakes jua semalam, though it's not chocolate fudge cake. *hint hint.* yet, i'm still craving for le apple's waaa. *second hint.* haha.
anyhow, as usual, lina equals a bunch of picturesss, right? hee. enjoy! :)

may you be blessed with good health,
happiness, prosperity and spirituality, paci. AMIN. :)

buham with her tekiyut-kiyut pose. haha.


&& last but not least,

i was playing around with paci husini's canon. yup. it's not mine. alum ku mampu kan membali benda cematu lai. huhu. yet, siuk jua la snap here and there using that camera. hee. and ohh. i smell someone has got a new gadget. ada kan di pinjam ni. yup, i'm talking to you sayang! jgn karit. haha. nada bah. ily. :')
okay. finishito primo!
may peace be upon you all. :)
next post please?
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