sekalinya rajin tu. four posts in a day. haha. bagus. bagus. :)
anyway, today, we, as in, pijah, syenah and me headed off to beribi to fetch, first, paci joh, then, baru tah aunty seri, but before that, i had some major works to do at bengkurung, kilanas, and bunut (atu detail kan bagitau huhu) and the result equals accomplished! happy bunny ku. yoh. labih. nada bah. aku jadi postwoooman saja tadi. bah. sudah tah becerita ah. picturesss time! macam photo blog sudah ku liat blog ane. teehee.

antar paci joh . . .

info : siku paci joh ada tumbuhan.
yatah, kana suruh buat operation,
and masa ane ia betahan di ripas.
then . . .

adeq and pali join kami lapas atu.

ane dua iban sasat dari pendalaman sukak nyirup. haha.
btw, thanks adeq for the treat. :')

mcm byk over flash jua la. pfft.
bah. ngantuk ku sudah. akhir berabis dah.
okay. toodles.
next post please?
p.s : get well soon dear.
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