Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

sapa nah yg drive atu?
clue : yang baru dpt lesen. esehmen. :)
kana suruh buat buttermilk chicken & prawn for the guests.
adehh sapa yg guest sapa dulu ni? haha.

damai. (Y)

on the way kan ambil cakes. SNAP FIRST. :)
dua ekong ane bukan birthday girlsss.

ane barutah. birthday woman! :)
shimah 17 and tiqah 4 years of age sudah. :)
peace skill sajeedah.
haha. cooliooo.
that's all. next events? will be on 31st oct and 2nd nov. fuhh. confirm busy on both dates. sigh.
and ohh. last two weeks, on the october 17th to be exact, i've attended my syg's department hari raya celebration. for more details of the event, click : borneo bulletin. (ada mua ku jua la. huhu.)
okay. that's a wrap!
bye. may peace be upon you all.
next post please?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
one fine day.
sekalinya rajin tu. four posts in a day. haha. bagus. bagus. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just Kiyot.

Nah. Kiyut kan?~~kan? kan?
Kami sudah.. kamu lagi.. hehe..
Sunday, October 19, 2008
pic today.
yea. this ain't funny man~. especially to those smokers; casual/heavy.. haha..
so aku inda mau kawin sama smoker. awo eh! cari lain ku ne..
note: aku tdo for 12hrs..bida~ & aku mau shopping p nada teman..
p/s: aku part. MENARI for sambutan Hari Raya Kementerian on 25th. LOL..
&&& inda jua ku pernah perform on stage *tipuku* - masa darjah5&6 choir.
raget! yg meliat ane bh urg atasan..NO.. aku inda malu. but aku malu pasal nah nampak tia my frens yg attachment diMOF too & my crush.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
raya di kuching.